Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Getting Ready

In November of 2013 I learned of the Great March for Climate Action, a coast-to-coast march being planned for hundreds of people to walk about 15 miles per day, 6 days per week, for about 35 weeks, covering just about 3,000 miles between Los Angeles, Calif. and Washington D.C.  For some reason I didn't simply cast it aside as another rally, petition or financial appeal of which I receive a dozen a week.  It grabbed me in some inexplicable way.  I pondered it, talked with others about the notion, and eventually decided I am going to do it.   I signed up in late November and began getting my shoes, clothing and equipment lined up.  I had been trying to walk between 2 and 6 miles a day, but began increasing my daily mileage up to as much as 13 miles a day.  The difficulty with this is time, not the mileage.  I'm pretty beat at the end of 13 miles, but I've spent about 5 hours of my day doing nothing but walking.  When we take off from Los Angeles, I suppose there won't be much more I want to accomplish in my day, but right now, 10 days before my departure, I've got a lot to get done.

I've offered, and the March has accepted, my truck as a support vehicle.  This means I have another level of preparations to accomplish.  I'm preparing a solar electric system that I have used to light a camp at Burning Man and a booth at the Oregon Country Fair, for a long journey as a phone and computer charging station.

Planning to leave on February 13th.

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