Friday, February 14, 2014

Heading out for the "Great March for Climate Action"

Friday, February 14th, Valentine's Day, 1st day on the road
Finally left home about 9:00 this morning, and left Eugene about 10:00 after running a last few errands.  Constant rain all the way to Klamath Falls.  Great to see Salt Creek in its rampaging flood stage swollen by warm rains on the last of the remaining snow.  Stopped for the night in Carson City, Nevada under mostly clear sky and full moon.  Warm enough to walk the streets in a flannel shirt.  The truck is loaded to the max!  Couldn't get all of Tom Atlee's books on board.  Climbing the steepest of the hills in 3rd gear.  Very high winds between Reno and Carson City, and expect high winds and steep mountain grades tomorrow morning. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A few years ago, when new blades were installed in the Cougar powerhouse turbines.

Getting Ready

In November of 2013 I learned of the Great March for Climate Action, a coast-to-coast march being planned for hundreds of people to walk about 15 miles per day, 6 days per week, for about 35 weeks, covering just about 3,000 miles between Los Angeles, Calif. and Washington D.C.  For some reason I didn't simply cast it aside as another rally, petition or financial appeal of which I receive a dozen a week.  It grabbed me in some inexplicable way.  I pondered it, talked with others about the notion, and eventually decided I am going to do it.   I signed up in late November and began getting my shoes, clothing and equipment lined up.  I had been trying to walk between 2 and 6 miles a day, but began increasing my daily mileage up to as much as 13 miles a day.  The difficulty with this is time, not the mileage.  I'm pretty beat at the end of 13 miles, but I've spent about 5 hours of my day doing nothing but walking.  When we take off from Los Angeles, I suppose there won't be much more I want to accomplish in my day, but right now, 10 days before my departure, I've got a lot to get done.

I've offered, and the March has accepted, my truck as a support vehicle.  This means I have another level of preparations to accomplish.  I'm preparing a solar electric system that I have used to light a camp at Burning Man and a booth at the Oregon Country Fair, for a long journey as a phone and computer charging station.

Planning to leave on February 13th.